目录: |
Contents |
第一部分 主要名词解释 |
part 0ne terms and definition |
1、劳动合同 |
01. labor contract |
2、试用期 |
02. probation period |
3、集体合同 |
03. collective contract |
4、工资 |
04. salary |
5、最低工资 |
05. minimum wages |
6、综合计算工时工作制 |
06. the working hour system of comprehensive calculation |
7、不定时工作制 |
07. flexible working hour system |
8、带薪年休假 |
08. the system of paid annual leave |
9、探亲假适用对象 |
09. the application scope of family leave |
10、探亲假待遇 |
10. the benefits that home leave confers |
11、中国的法定节假日 |
11. 0fficial holidays in china |
12、基本养老保险 |
12. basic pension insurance |
13、补充养老保险 |
13. supplementary pension insurance |
14、基本医疗保险 |
14. basic medical insurance |
15、医疗补助金 |
15. medical subsides under unemployment insurance |
16、定点医疗机构 |
16. designated medical institutions |
17、失业保险 |
17. unemployment insurance |
18、失业保险待遇 |
18. unemployment insurance benefits |
19、失业保险金 |
19. unemployment allowance |
20、工伤保险 |
20. work-related injury insurance |
21、生育保险 |
21. maternity insurance |
22、住房公积金 |
22. housing fund |
23、补充住房公积金 |
23. supplementary housing fund |
24、残疾人就业保障基金 |
24. disabled person employment security fund |
25、丧葬补助金和抚恤金 |
25. funeral grants and survivor's benefits |
26、劳动争议 |
26. labor dispute |
27、劳动保障行政复议 |
27. labor and social security administrative reconsideration |
28、社会保险行政争议 |
28. social insurance administrative dispute |
29、劳动保障监察 |
29. labor and social security inspection |
第二部分 主要城市社会保险缴纳比例、gdp、城镇职工平均年工资、恩格尔系数及最低月工资标准综合比较 |
part tw0 0utlook of statutory employee benefits and social security requirements in 22 cities |
1、各城市各项社会保险缴纳比例比较 |
1、nation-wide statutory social benefits comparison |
2、各城市gdp、职工平均年工资、城镇居民恩格尔系数和最低月工资标准比较 |
2、nation-wide comparison on gdp , employee's annual average incomes, engel index and minimum wage |
第三部分 中华人民共和国主要劳动法规政策 |
part three major labor laws and regulations in the people's republic of china |
01: 中华人民共和国劳动法 |
01. labor law of the people's republic of china promotion of employment |
02: 中华人民共和国外资企业法 |
02.law of the people's republic of china on foreign-capital enterprises |
03: 中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法 |
03.law of the people's republic of china on Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures |
04: 中华人民共和国职业病防治法 |
04. code of occupational disease prevention of PRC |
05: 中华人民共和国工会法 |
05. trade union law of the people's republic of china |
06: 关于加强外商投资企业工会工作几个问题的通知 |
06. circular on several issues relating to strengthening the work of trade unions in enterprises with foreign investment |
ⅰ 促 进 就 业 |
ⅰ promotion of employment |
07 : 外国人在中国就业管理规定 |
07. administrative provisions on the employment of foreigners in china |
08: 劳动力市场管理规定 |
08. provisions on the administrative of the labor market |
09: 中外合资中外合作职业介绍机构设立管理暂行规定 |
09. provisional regulation on the establishment and administration of job referral agencies of Chinese-foreign joint ventures and cooperatives |
10: 境外就业中介管理规定 |
10. administrative provisions on foreign employment intermediary activities |
11: 外商投资企业劳动管理规定 |
11. regulations on the labor management of the foreign-funded enterprises |
12: 劳动部关于颁发《 台湾和香港、澳门居民在内地就业管理规定》的通知 |
12. regulations governing employment of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao residents in the mainland - 1994 |
ⅱ 劳动合同和集体合同 |
ⅱ labor contracts and collective contracts |
13 : 违反和解除劳动合同的经济补偿办法 |
13. measures of economic compensations for violation and revocation of labor contracts |
14 : 企业经济性裁减人员规定 |
14. provisions on the reduction of employees due to economic reasons in enterprises |
15 : 违反《劳动法》有关劳动合同规定的赔偿办法 |
15. measures on compensating for the violation of relevant provisions on labor contracts under the labor law |
16 : 集体合同规定 |
16. provisions on collective contracts |
ⅲ 工时、休息休假 |
ⅲ working hours, rests and vacations |
17 : 国务院关 于职工探亲待遇的规定 |
17. provisions of the state council on employees' family leave |
18 : 国务院关于职工工作时间的规定 |
18. provisions of the state council on working hours of employees |
19 : 全国年节及纪念日放假办法 |
19. measures for taking holidays, festivals and commemoration days |
20 : 关于企业实行不定时工作制和综合计算工时工作制的审批办法 |
20. measures for examination and approval of the flexible working hours system and the working hours system of comprehensive calculation by enterprises |
21 : 《国务院关于职工工作时间的规定》的实施办法 |
21. measures for implementing of the provisions of the state council on working hours for employees |
22 : 劳动部关于推动企业全面实施新工时制度的通知 |
22. circular of the ministry of labor for promoting the full compliance by enterprises of the new working hour system |
23 : 劳动部关于职工工作时间有关问题的复函 |
23. 0fficial reply of the ministry of labor on relevant issues concerning working hours of employees |
ⅳ 劳 动 报 酬 |
ⅳ labor remunerations |
24 : 最低工资规定 |
24. provisions on minimum wages |
25 : 劳动部关于实施最低工资保障制度的通知 |
25. circular on implementation of the system of guaranteed minimum wages |
26 : 工资支付暂行规定 |
26. interim provisions on payment of wages |
27 : 对《工资支付暂行规定》有关问题的补充规定 |
27. supplementary provisions on relevant issues of the interim provisions on the payment of wages |
28 : 工资集体协商试行办法 |
28. trial measures on collective wage negotiation |
29 : 关于职工全年月平均工作时间和工资折算问题的通知 |
29. circular of the ministry of labor and social security on the issues concerning the average monthly working-time in a year and converting the payment of employee |
30 : 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业和外国企业的雇员的境外保险费有关所得税处理问题的通知 |
30. circular of the state administration of taxation on the income tax of insurance premium abroad of the employees in the enterprises with foreign investment and foreign enterprises |
ⅴ 女工和未成年人保护 |
ⅴ protections for women and minor worker |
31: 中华人民共和国妇女权益保护法 |
31. law of the people's republic of china on the protection of rights and interests of women |
32: 女职工劳动保护规定 |
32. provisions on the labor protection of women employees |
33: 中华人民共和国未成年人保护法 |
33. law of the people's republic of china on the protection of minors |
34: 未成年工特殊保护规定 |
34. provisions on special protection for minor workers |
35 : 禁止使用童工规定 |
35. provisions on prohibition of child labor |
36: 使用有毒物品作业场所劳动保护条例 |
36. regulations on labor protection in workplaces where toxic substances are used |
ⅵ 社 会 保 险 |
ⅵ social insurance |
37 : 失业保险条例 |
37. regulations on unemployment insurance |
38 : 社会保险费征缴暂行条例 |
38. provisional regulations on collection and payment of social insurance contributions |
39: 工伤保险条例 |
39. regulations on worker's compensation insurance |
40: 国务院关于建立统一的企业职工基本养老保险制度的决定 |
40. decision of the state council on establishing a unified basic 0ld age insurance system for enterprises employees |
41 : 国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定 |
41. decision of the state council on establishing a basic medical insurance system for urban employees |
42 : 企业职工生育保险试行办法 |
42. provisional measures for the maternity insurance for enterprise employees |
43 : 社会保险费申报缴纳管理暂行办法 |
43. provisional measures for administration of the declaration and payment of social insurance contributions |
44 : 失业保险金申领发放办法 |
44. measures for claiming and payment of unemployment insurance benefits |
45 : 社会保险稽核办法 |
45. auditing measures for social insurance |
46 : 企业职工患病或非因工负伤医疗期规定 |
46. provisions on the period of medical treatment for diseases or non-work-related injuries of enterprise employees |
47 : 劳动部关于贯彻《企业职工患病或非因工负伤医疗期规定》的通知 |
47. circular of the ministry of labor on implementation of the provisions on the period of medical treatment for diseases or non-work-related injuries of enterprise employees |
ⅶ 劳动争议处理 |
ⅶ settlement of labor disputes |
48 : 中华人民共和国企业劳动争议处理条例 |
48. regulations on labor disputes settlement in enterprises |
49 : 劳动部关于涉外劳动争议管辖权问题的复函 |
49. 0fficial reply of the ministry of labor regarding the jurisdiction of the foreign-related labor disputes |
50 : 最高人民法院关于审理劳动争议案件使用法律若干问题的解释 |
50. the interpretation of the supreme people's court on various issues concerning the application of law in the trial of labor dispute cases |
ⅷ 劳动保障监察 |
ⅷ labor and social security inspection |
51 : 劳动监察规定 |
51. provisions on labor inspection |
52 : 违反《中华人民共和国劳动法》行政处罚法 |
52. measures for administrative penalties for violation of the labor law of the people's republic of china |
53 : 劳动监察程序规定 |
53. provisions on procedures of the labor inspection |
54 : 社会保险费征缴监督检查办法 |
54. measures for the supervision and examination of the collection and payment of social insurance contributions |
ⅸ 行政争议处理 |
ⅸ settlement of labor and social security administrative disputes |
55 :劳动和社会保障行政复议办法 |
55. measures for administrative reconsideration on labor and social security |
56 : 社会保险行政争议处理办法 |
56. measures for settlement of social insurance administrative disputes |