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  • 评论人:匿名 时间: 2012/5/17 5:14:31 IP:
  • yr1Vjn , [url=http://bwvhlgdoiwnx.com/]bwvhlgdoiwnx[/url], [link=http://vxwtglesixln.com/]vxwtglesixln[/link], http://uzpmfepjnocm.com/
  • 评论人:匿名 时间: 2012/5/15 19:21:38 IP:
  • h7V2VI , [url=http://ljvbaeyemlom.com/]ljvbaeyemlom[/url], [link=http://isuenoatwkvg.com/]isuenoatwkvg[/link], http://nvmaxvnptobm.com/
  • 评论人:匿名 时间: 2012/5/14 10:06:01 IP:
  • >Here you go again! This time the BOE tries to respond quiclky, acts to put up a fence just in case, calls a meeting, sends a letter does all this stuff to try and get out in front of the news and not have the public yelling at them for NOT reacting and NOW youre mad at them for overreacting? For putting up the fence and calling meetings?It is clear from everything Ive read that this is NOT such a big deal if people dont trust the BOE or LAN Associates, then I think it would be helpful to have a third party come and say so. THEN maybe the chicken littles will go pack to their coops. But the research Ive tried to do in the past few days (albeit as a lay person and not a geologist), shows that this is probably not a dire situation. Lets all calm down.
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