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发布时间:2010/1/11  阅读次数:34596  字体大小: 【】 【】【
‘Avatar’ Keeps the Top Spot at Weekend Box Office
In just two-and-a-half weeks, Avatar has raced into cinema history as the fastest movie to achieve $1billion (£626 million) in worldwide ticket sales.
The director James Cameron's 3-D blockbuster has earned more than $350 million (£217 million) in the United States and more than $670m (£415 million) around the globe in just 17 days, making it the fourth-highest grossing film of all time worldwide.
Having also directed Titanic, the bestselling movie of all time with $1.8 billion in worldwide ticket sales, Mr Cameron is now the only film-maker to direct two movies that have topped $1 billion.
Along with Titanic, the others are The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King at $1.13 billion, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest at $1.06 billion and The Dark Knight at just over $1 billion, according to box-office tracker Hollywood.com.
Special effects-loaded Avatar is the most expensive film ever made, reportedly costing between $300 million and $500 million.
Distributed by 20th Century Fox — a sister company of News Corporation, the parent company of The TimesAvatar has been No 1 at the US box office for the third-straight weekend, earning $77 million on its opening weekend, a strong start but far below dozens of other blockbusters that debuted as high as $158 million. (泰晤时报)
Aliens, action and animals held the top spots at the weekend’s box office. Fox’s “Avatar” remained in first place, with domestic ticket sales of $48.5 million, down from $68 million the week before, according to box office tracking services. That puts the domestic cumulative total for “Avatar” at $429 million. Both “Sherlock Holmes” (Warner Brothers) and “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel” (Fox) held their second- and third-place positions, with domestic sales taking a plunge in each film’s third week: about $16.6 million ($165.2 million total) for “Holmes” and $16.3 million (just shy of $178.2 million total) for the furry musicians. Vampires lured audiences to “Daybreakers” (Lionsgate), arrived in fourth place with $15 million in its first week, bumping Nancy Meyers’s middle-aged romance “It’s Complicated,” (Universal) to fifth with a little more than $11 million in its third week ($76.3 million total).(纽约时报)
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  • Great thinking! That ralely breaks the mold!

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