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外交部:日方如一意孤行 中方将采取强烈反制措施_新闻资讯 News_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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外交部:日方如一意孤行 中方将采取强烈反制措施
发布时间:2010/9/19  阅读次数:4344  字体大小: 【】 【】【
外交部:日方如一意孤行 中方将采取强烈反制措施
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China will take drastic countermeasures if Japan still takes the wrong way
On September 19, 2010, Spokesman Ma Zhaoxu of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that China would take drastic countermeasures if Japan still took the wrong way, and all consequences incurred therefrom will be borne by Japan, which would continue to unlawfully detained the Chinese captain.
Mr. Ma said, Chinese side has reiterated that the so-called judicial measures taken by Japan against Chinese capital is unlawful and invalid, and we require the Japanese side to immediately release our captain unconditionally. If Japan still takes the wrong way, China will take drastic countermeasures, and Japan shall be responsible for all consequences incurred therefrom. (Compiled and translated by Xi'an Skywind Translation & Consulting Co., Ltd.)
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  • which would continue to unlawfully detained the Chinese captain. 这一分句应该在哪里?? "captain"也写成“capital”...还有。。

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