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发布时间:2010/12/27  阅读次数:3461  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Most Japanese and American people hope to deepen relation with China
“How to face up to China?” It is not only an important subject repeatedly researched by governments around the world, but also a topic cared for by foreigners. The latest year-end public opinion research of Japanese Asahi Shimbun proposed the issue to Japan and US populace. The result shows that most of Japan and US populace hope that Japan, US and China deepen the relationship in economy, and other fields.
Asahi Shimbun reported the public opinion research result of Japan and US populace on Dec. 24, 2010. When it comes to the question “How to face up to China in view of the Japanese security and peace and stability of East Asia”, one of the two options is “strengthening the Japan-US alliance to against China”, and the other is “deepening the interrelationship of Japan, US, and China in economy, and other fields”. Only 31% Japanese interviewees and 18% American interviewees selected the former, and 64% Japanese interviewees and 70% American interviewees selected the latter. Li Zhongyuan, professor of Rikkyo University who studies international politics, analyzed and deemed that confronting the new change of international relation, most of interviewees give up the traditional cold war mentality of Japan-US cooperation against China, and think new model should be developed to construct a coordination system of Japan, US, and China, which represents the voice of public opinions.
As for the question of “Which country is more important to America, Japan or China?”, 50% American interviewees answered “China”, and 33% selected “Japan”. Nevertheless, in 1999, 11 years ago, for the same question, 47% American interviewees answered “Japan”, and 36% selected “China”. It is analyzed that as the rapid development of Chinese economy, the research result is reversed.
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