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发布时间:2011/8/1  阅读次数:10026  字体大小: 【】 【】【
Purpose and authority 目的与权限
Bridges of many kinds are an integral part of every county road system. The safety and adequacy of these bridges is of vital importance to the traveling public. A program of regular periodic inspection and reporting is necessary to fully inform each county legislative authority regarding the condition and adequacy of all bridges. RCW 36.78.070(1) authorizes the county road administration board to establish standards of good practice for the administration of county roads and the efficient movement of people and goods over county roads.

Inventory 详细盘点
    Each county engineer shall have available in his or her office a complete inventory of all bridges on the county road system. The inventory shall list the location of each bridge by the state road log number and appropriate milepoint, and shall include such other information as the engineer deems necessary. In addition, all data required for the state of Washington inventory of bridges and structures (SWIBS) data base system as maintained by the Washington state department of transportation (WSDOT) shall be submitted to the WSDOT TransAid Service Center bridge engineer on appropriate media furnished or otherwise approved by the WSDOT.

Inspection 检测
    Each county engineer shall be responsible for all routine and special inspections of all bridges on the county road system in accordance with the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) as promulgated and periodically revised by the WSDOT TransAid Service Center office. The county engineer shall note the date of all inspections and any changes since the previous inspection on the SWIBS form and submit all such forms to the WSDOT TransAid Service Center bridge engineer within ninety days of each inspection.

Certification 认证
    Prior to April 1st of each calendar year, WSDOT assistant secretary for the TransAid Service Center will provide the following to the county road administration board:

         (1) A listing on a county-by-county basis of all county bridges which have not had a regular SWIBS inspection report submitted within the previous thirty months; and

         (2) A listing on a county-by-county basis of all county bridges which have not had a required special inspection report submitted within six months after the required inspection date; and

         (3) A listing of all counties which are not in compliance with the requirements of the National Bridge Inspection Standards and the status of efforts toward achieving such compliance.

         Any county which is not in compliance with the NBIS or has a bridge or bridges on any of the above listings shall be assumed to be not in compliance with bridge inspection procedures.
Failure to comply 不遵守
    Failure of a county to be shown in compliance with required bridge inspection procedures may be cause for the county road administration board to withhold a certificate of good practice on behalf of that county in accordance with the procedures of chapter 136-04 WAC.

Engineer's report 工程师报告
    Each county engineer shall furnish the county legislative authority with a written resume of the findings of the bridge inspection effort. This resume shall be made available to said authority and shall be consulted during the preparation of the proposed six-year transportation program revision. The resume shall include the county engineer's recommendations as to replacement, repair or load restriction for each deficient bridge. The resolution of adoption of the six-year transportation program shall include assurances to the effect that the county engineer's report with respect to deficient bridges was available to said authority during the preparation of the program.
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