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发布时间:2011/1/13  阅读次数:16901  字体大小: 【】 【】【


你会打麻将(play mah-jong)吗?你是资深麻友吗?你敢教老外打麻将吗? 将“国粹”推向世界可是我们这些外语学习者的义务哦!那还等什么,马上就让老外们对麻将上瘾吧!

麻将牌:mah-jong, mah-jongg

  棋牌室:Chess &Poker Room

  筒子:the circle tiles

  索子:the bamboo tiles

  万子:the character tiles

  番子:the honor tiles

  花牌:flower tiles

  上:claiming a tile to match a sequence

  碰:claiming a tile to match a triplet

  杠:claiming a tile for a quadruplet

  和:claiming a tile to win

抽头:the kitty

  筹码:counter; chip; dib

  牌友:matching play

  边张:side tiles



  上家:opponent on the left

  下家:opponent on the right

  对门:opponent sitting opposite to one

  三缺一:three players looking for one more player


  出张:discarding a tile

  洗牌:shuffling the tiles

  连庄:remaining the dealer

  一对:one pair

  一番:one time (in scoring)

  一圈:a round

  跟牌:following suit

  进张:drawing a useful tile

  对碰:waiting for two tiles to win; making two pairs

扣牌:holding up a tile

  听牌:waiting for the one necessary tile to win

  暗杠:drawing a tile by oneself, making four similar tiles of a kind and putting them face down

  暗坎:concealing 3-tiles in order of a kind

  八圈:eight rounds of play

  缺一门:lacking a suit

  抢杠:robbing a gong

  单钓:waiting for one of the pair to win

  单听:awaiting the only one necessary tile to win

  地和:going out or winning a hand after drawing only one tile

  吊牌:fishing; awaiting one’s winning tile

  对对胡:winning with all paired tiles;all triplets

  自摸:winning by one’s own draw;self-drawn

  拦和:be won by one’s left or opposing opponent with the same tile one needs

  平和:a win without points

  鸡和:chicken hand

  平和:common hand

  大满贯:grand slam

杠上开花:drawing a tile, after a gang, from the end of the wall to win the game;added glory to a gong

  七对:seven pairs

  砌牌:forming the wall of stacks

  清一色:all of one suit; flush; having all tiles in one suit

  全字:pure characters

  门(前)清:all concealed hand 十三幺:the thirteen orphans(1,9,and one of each character);13 terminal tiles

  天和:a natural win; a heavenly hand

  地和:earthly hand

  一条龙:a complete sequence from 1 to 9

  混一色:mixed one suit

  小三元:junior 3 chiefs

  大三元:grand 3 chiefs

  海底捞月:catching the moon from the bottom of the sea

  小四喜:junior 4 happiness

  大四喜:grand 4 happiness

  清一色:pure one suit

  字一色:all honor tiles

  诈和:declaring a false win;falsely declaring a win

  做相公:be unconscious of a shortage or surplus of tiles

  大/小相公:long or short hand

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  • zKx7nu , [url=http://kuyvnqffhyyk.com/]kuyvnqffhyyk[/url], [link=http://oozpqthcbmfk.com/]oozpqthcbmfk[/link], http://dgelchuzzara.com/
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/3/1 18:22:55] IP:[*]
  • J0y2qH <a href="http://pdiabvarjujp.com/">pdiabvarjujp</a>
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/2/27 21:43:42] IP:[*]
  • xBlBi2 , [url=http://puvsfmbsxigy.com/]puvsfmbsxigy[/url], [link=http://yommzkiibdah.com/]yommzkiibdah[/link], http://rbzdfuhocqal.com/
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/2/25 19:34:31] IP:[*]
  • V1Z2KJ <a href="http://jrqfponmscof.com/">jrqfponmscof</a>
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/2/25 11:55:30] IP:[*]
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