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发布时间:2010/9/16  阅读次数:29736  字体大小: 【】 【】【
自始	ab initio 
让与权	abalienandi jus 
委付	abandon 
权利放弃	abandon a right
全部放弃	abandon absolutely
戒毒	abandon drug habits
改恶从善	abandon evil and do good
放弃上诉	abandon one's appeal
放弃继承	abandon one's sucession
放弃	abandon
废弃	abandon
抛弃	abandon
遗弃	abandon
委弃	abandon
舍弃	abandon
中止教唆	abandoned instigation
委弃财产	abandoned property
被抛弃的空间物体	abandoned space object
意内未遂	abandonment attempt
中止未遂	abandonment attempt
委付条款	abandonment clause
委弃损失	abandonment loss
弃船	abandonment of a ship 
所有权的抛弃	abandonment of ownership
放弃专利权	abandonment of patent
放弃重复侵害	abandonment of repetition of infringement
教唆中止	abandonment of solicitation
弃市	abandonment of the body in public market after execution
降价	abate price
废除	abate
减轻	abate
降低	abate
终止诉讼	abatement of action
诉讼费用的减免	abatement of costs
免除刑罚	abatement of criminal punishment
死刑缓期执行犯减刑	abatement of punishment for condemned prisoner with a reprieve
减税	abatement
住持	abbot
缩写	abbreviation
简称	abbreviation
退位	abdicate
退位国家元首	abdicated head of state
诉讼请求的放弃	abdication of claims
拐卖人口	abduct and traffic people
拐卖妇女、儿童	abduct and traffic women and children
拐卖	abduct and traffic
诱拐	abduct
拐骗	abduct
诱拐者	abductor
拐骗犯	abductor
错误行为	aberration
煽动	abet
主使	abet
唆使	abet
被教唆的罪	abetted offense
煽动者	abettor
煽动分子	abettor
教唆教唆犯	abettor of another solicitant
教唆犯	abettor
教唆者	abettor
造意犯	abettor
唆使者	abettor
守约	abide by an agreement
安分守己	abide by the law and behave oneself 
守法	abide by the law
遵守法律	abide by the law
遵守	abide by
遵	abide by
容忍	abide
支付能力	ability to pay
负税能力	ability to pay
外汇偿付能力	ability to repay in foreign exchange
劳动能力	ability to work
能力	ability
能	ability
课税的支付能力原则	ability-to-pay principle of taxation
支付能力课税原理	ability-to-pay principle of taxation
全劳动力	able-bodied farm worker
异常条件	abnormal condition
变态固着	abnormal fixation
变态人格	abnormal personality
变态心理	abnormal psychology
异常危险	abnormal risk 
非常损坏	abnormal spoilage
非正常使用产品	abnormal use of the product
异常	abnormal
意识异常	abnormality of consciousness
寓所	abode
废止	abolish
革除	abolish
行政行为的废止	abolition of administrative act
前科消灭	abolition of crime record
兽奸罪	abominable crime
恶劣	abominable
土著社会	aboriginals' community
土著权利	aboriginals' rights
未遂政变	abortive coup d'etat
未遂	abortive
超出票面价值	above par
高于票面价值	above par
超额	above quota
以上	above
地上建筑物	above-ground building
上述	above-mentioned
超购加价	above-purchase quota premium
阿伯拉哈姆逊的犯罪行为方式	Abrahamsen formula of criminal behavior
皮外损伤	abrasion
表皮剥脱	abrasion
文摘	abridgment
海外	abroad
撤销判决	abrogate a judgment
废除财产权	abrogation of property rights
取消权利	abrogation of right
突发故意	abrupt intention
畏罪潜逃	abscond to avoid punishment
卷逃	abscond with money
卷款潜逃	abscond with money
潜逃	abscond
在逃债务人	absconding debtor
在逃被告	absconding defendant
缺勤	absence from duty
缺乏约因	absence of consideration
无领事关系	absence of consular relations
无外交关系	absence of diplomatic relations
无国籍状态	absence of nationality
无国籍	absent nationality
缺席投票人	absent voter
缺席投票	absentee voting 
目的犯	absichtsdelikte
单纯承兑	absolute acceptance
单纯认付	absolute acceptance
无条件承兑	absolute acceptance
具体地址	absolute address
无条件大赦	absolute amnesty
无条件转让	absolute assignment
绝对边界	absolute boundary
全部变更	absolute change
绝对商行为	absolute commercial act
绝对推定	absolute construction
绝对连续性	absolute continuity
绝对禁制品	absolute contraband
绝对保险额	absolute cover amount
绝对辨护理由	absolute defense
无条件交货	absolute delivery
完全抵赖	absolute denial
绝对释放	absolute discharge
绝对义务	absolute duty 
单纯背书	absolute endorsement
绝对衡平法	absolute equity
绝对事件	absolute event
确凿事实	absolute fact
绝对担保	absolute guaranty
绝对豁免	absolute immunity
法定婚姻的绝对障碍	absolute impediment to marriage
绝对婚姻障碍	absolute impediments
绝对不能	absolute impossibility
绝对不能犯与相对不能犯	absolute impossibility and relative impossibility
绝对收入	absolute income
绝对不定期刑	absolute indeterminate sentence
绝对继承权	absolute inheritance
绝对保险免赔额	absolute insurance franchise
绝对利益	absolute interest
绝对法律关系	absolute jural relations
绝对赔偿责任	absolute liability
绝对责任	absolute liability
绝对多数	absolute majority
绝对的军事安全	absolute military security
君主专制政体	absolute monarchy
绝对中立	absolute neutrality
绝对无效	absolute nullity
简单支付令	absolute order to pay
绝对所有权	absolute ownership
绝对无条件付款	absolute promise to pay
生命绝对保护原则	absolute protection of life doctrine
绝对接近	absolute proximity
绝对配额	absolute quota
绝对地租	absolute rent
绝对权利	absolute right
绝对权	absolute right
无条件交易协定	absolute sale
绝对主权	absolute sovereignty
绝对全损	absolute total loss
绝对否决权	absolute veto power
绝对适航保证	absolute warranty of airworthiness 
无限	absolute
绝对	absolute
无限竞争性招标	absolutely competitive invitation to tender
绝对确定性规范	absolutely determinate norm
绝对确定法定刑	absolutely determinate statutory punishment
绝对有权	absolutely entitled
绝对致命伤	absolutely fatal trauma
绝对非确定性规范	absolutely indeterminate norm
绝对不确定法定刑	absolutely indeterminate statutory punishment
绝对必要事项	absolutely indispensable matter
断然	absolutely
绝对主义	absolutism
绝对主义法定刑	absolutism test
开脱罪责	absolve sb. from guilt or blame
免除	absolve
开脱	absolve
吸收外资	absorb foreign capital
已承担成本	absorbed costs
公司债吸收	absorption of corporate bonds
吸收原则	absorption principle
放弃申辩权	abstain from pleading
放弃表决权	abstain from voting
弃权者	abstainer
抽象	abstract
无因行为	abstract act
无因法律行为	abstract act of law
抽象行政行为	abstract administrative act
无因民事法律行为	abstract civil legal act
抽象危险说	abstract danger theory
简式发票	abstract invoice
抽象的违宪审查	abstract judicial review
纯粹法学	abstract jurisprudence
抽象劳动	abstract labor
无因管理行为	abstract management
抽象轻过失	abstract misdemeanor
抽象过失	abstract negligence
发明摘要	abstract of invention
案卷摘录	abstract of record
抽象的限定主义	abstract restrictionism
抽象诉权	abstract right of action
无因证券	abstract security
摘要	abstract
提要	abstract
权利滥用	abus de droit
庇护所的滥用	abuse of asylum
滥用权力	abuse of authority
滥用自由裁量权	abuse of discretion
旗帜滥用	abuse of flag
滥用休战旗	abuse of flag of truce
滥用选举权	abuse of franchise
滥用豁免权	abuse of immunity
滥用利用职位之便所获信息从事证券交易罪	abuse of information obtained in official capacity for stock-trading purposes
滥用法律程序	abuse of legal process
滥用诉讼程序	abuse of litigious proceedings
独占权的滥用	abuse of monopoly
公务员滥用职权罪	abuse of official capacity by civil servants
特别公务员滥用职权罪	abuse of official capacity by special office holder
权力滥用	abuse of power
滥用特权	abuse of privileges
公诉滥用论	abuse of public prosecution
滥用权利	abuse of right
代理权滥用	abuse of right of representation
滥用代理权	abuse of the power of agency
滥用职权	abuse one's authority
以权谋私	abuse power for personal gain
滥用法律	abuse the law
滥用	abuse
滥用者	abuser
滥用监护或教养权罪	abusing the right of guardianship or upbringing
地界	abuttals
深海底	abyssal floor
深洋底	abyssal ocean floor
深海沉积物	abyssal sediment
学术界	academic circles
学历	academic credentials
学位	academic degree
学位制度	academic degrees system
学问自由	academic freedom
学术地位	academic position
学衔	academic rank
学术论文	academic thesis
学术职称	academic titles
院士	academician
科学院	academy of sciences
学院	academy
加入	accede to
加入方	acceding party
加入国	acceding state
参加国	acceding state
促进	accelerate
快速折旧	accelerated depreciation
加速折旧优惠	accelerated depreciation preference
提前偿付条款	acceleration clause
受理	accept 
承兑汇票	accept a bill of exchange
受贿	accept a bribe
受理案件	accept a case
受理申诉	accept a claim
受理请愿书	accept a petition
接受贿赂	accept bribes
受理罪案	accept criminal cases
来料加工	accept customers' materials for processing
承运	accept for carriage
接受货物	accept goods
承保	accept insurance
私自收受回扣	accept rebates without permission
采纳	accept
承兑	accept
收容	accept
受	accept
收受	accept
接受	accept
合格认证	acceptability certification
可接受差异范围	acceptable difference
容许故障率	acceptable failure rate
容许噪声级	acceptable noise level
合格产品	acceptable product
合格品	acceptable product
验收质量标准	acceptable quality level
合格质量标准	acceptable quality level
容许可靠性程度	acceptable reliability level
告乃论	acceptance at complaint only
告诉才处理	acceptance at complaint only
参与承兑	acceptance by intervention
接受条款	acceptance clause
承兑手续费	acceptance commission
承兑合同	acceptance contract
承兑信用证	acceptance credit
案件处理费	acceptance fee for an arbitration case
荣誉承兑	acceptance for honor
承兑商行	acceptance house
不记名承兑	acceptance in blank
接受判决	acceptance of a judgment
服从判决	acceptance of a judgment
条约的接受	acceptance of a treaty
起诉成立	acceptance of action
上诉的受理	acceptance of appeal
汇票承兑	acceptance of bill of exchange
受贿罪	acceptance of bribe
工程验收	acceptance of engineering works
承运货物	acceptance of goods
诉讼权利承担	acceptance of litigious rights
承兑票据	acceptance of negotiable instrument
接受抗诉	acceptance of protest
接受处罚	acceptance of punishment
接受送达	acceptance of service
受所监临财物	acceptance of subordinate's properties for no public purposes
接受继承	acceptance of succession
纳降	acceptance of surrender
担保承兑	acceptance on security
承兑拒付汇票	acceptance supra protest
附保留的接受	acceptance under reserve
无检查接受	acceptance without inspection
支付承诺	acceptances and guarantees
承诺人	accepter
承兑行	accepting bank
承兑银行	accepting bank
受财枉法	accepting bribes and hereafter distorting the law
受财不枉法	accepting bribes but hereafter falling short of distorting the law
收受或给付嫁娶财礼罪	accepting or offering dowry
接受机关	accepting organ
接受国	accepting state
承兑人	acceptor
参加承兑人	acceptor by intervention
接受赃物者	acceptor of stolen goods
存取权	access right
诉诸法院的权利	access to court
出海通道	access to the sea
出入海洋	access to the sea
加入条款	accession clause
入藏登记号	accession number
财产所得税	accession tax
条约的加入	accession to a treaty
添附	accession
财产所得	accession
附属品	accessories
附加条款	accessories clause
从犯	accessory 
从行为	accessory act
辅助的行政措施	accessory administrative measure
事后从犯	accessory after the event
事后同谋犯	accessory after the fact
附条	accessory article
事前从犯	accessory before the event
事前同谋犯	accessory before the fact
辅助交战者	accessory belligerent
附加指控	accessory charges

附属民事法律行为	accessory civil act of law
附属性求偿	accessory claim
附属商行为	accessory commercial act
从契约	accessory contract
从属性合同	accessory contract
从合同	accessory contract
附属刑法	accessory criminal law
从债	accessory debt
从属之债	accessory debt
从属债务人	accessory debtor
从债务人	accessory debtor
在场从犯	accessory during the fact
无独立请求权的第三人	accessory intervenor
从参加人	accessory intervenor
从参加	accessory intervention
从义务	accessory obligation
附属条款	accessory provision
从刑	accessory punishment
附加刑	accessory punishment
辅助的惩罚措施	accessory punitive measure
从物权	accessory real right
附加险	accessory risk
从物	accessory thing
从属用益权	accessory use
同谋犯	accessory
帮凶	accessory
附件	accessory
附属	accessory
帮助犯	accessory
附属物	accessory
从	accessory
责任事故	accident arising from one's negligence
事故损失赔偿	accident compensation
装货中的意外事故	accident in loading
安全险	accident insurance
事故调查	accident investigation
刑事责任事故	accident involving criminal responsibility
逸出油类的事故	accident of an escape of oil
事故预防	accident prevention
事故频率	accident rate
事故报告	accident report
事故统计	accident statistics
事故受害者	accident victim
轻伤事故	accident which results in minor wounds
偶发事故	accident
祸	accident
意外	accident
事故	accident
意外未遂	accidental attempt
偶然因素	accidental cause
偶然污染	accidental contamination
非正常死亡	accidental death
意外死亡赔偿	accidental death benefit
意外死亡条款	accidental death clause
意外死亡险	accidental death insurance
意外死	accidental death
非命	accidental death
意外错误	accidental error
偶然所得	accidental income
偶然伤害	accidental injury
事故性损害	accidental injury
意外伤害保险	accidental injury insurance
意外伤害	accidental injury
偶然杀人	accidental killing
意外杀人	accidental killing
意外中毒	accidental poisoning
意外污染	accidental pollution
事故性排放	accidental release
意外伤	accidental wound
偶然	accidental
误伤	accidentally injure 
海损事故	accidents of damages at sea
贷款人	accommadator
留宿机关	accommodating organ
船位	accommodation 
通融承兑	accommodation acceptance
通融承兑人	accommodation acceptor
通融汇票	accommodation bill of exchange
通融票据	accommodation bill
空头汇票	accommodation bill
融通票据	accommodation bill
欠单	accommodation bill
融通汇票	accommodation bill
通融支票	accommodation check
融通背书	accommodation endorsement
融通汇票背书人	accommodation endorser
调剂商品	accommodation items
融通票据关系人	accommodation parties
汇票当事人	accommodation party
留宿人	accommodator
随身行李	accompanied baggage
同犯	accomplice
事前共犯	accomplice before the perpetration of a crime
事中共犯	accomplice during the perpetration of a crime
保险诈骗的共犯	accomplice in insurance fraud
从犯刑事责任	accomplice liability
抗税共犯	accomplice of resisting taxes
胁从犯	accomplice under duress
共犯证人	accomplice witness
同案犯证人	accomplice witness
共同犯罪人	accomplice
共犯	accomplice
同案犯	accomplice
伙同犯	accomplice
事后共犯	accomplices after the perpetration of a crime
完成	accomplish
既遂罪	accomplished crime
既遂犯	accomplished offender
既遂	accomplished offense
犯罪即遂	accomplishment of a crime
准许自由过境	accord free transit
宽大处理	accord lenient treatment
符合法定程序	accord with legal procedure
符合	accord with
依职权	according to faculties and functions
依据法律	according to law
按照法律	according to law
照价	according to the arranged price
按照惯例	according to the customs
按习惯	according to the usage
按良心和公平原则	according to what is just and good
依	according to
记述	account
帐户	account
境外帐户	account abroad
境外户头	account abroad
帐目兼并	account annexed
帐户余额	account balance
帐簿	account book
帐册	account books
帐户分类	account classification
记账货币	account currency
帐面债务人	account debtor
记账外汇	account foreign exchange
帐户式资产负债表	account form of balance sheet
帐式资产负债表	account form of balance sheet
帐式损益计算书	account form of profit and loss statement
帐目	account note
帐号	account number
损益表	account of business
外币存款帐户	account of foreign currency deposit
外汇存款帐户	account of foreign exchange deposit
支出帐户	account of payments
购货帐单	account of purchase
已付	account paid 
应付帐	account payable
应付款	account payable
应付帐款	account payable
只付给收款人本人	account payee only
应收款项	account receivable
应收帐	account receivable
应收帐款	account receivable
应收帐款转让	account receivable assigned
应收帐款贴现	account receivable discounted
应收联营公司帐款	account receivable from affiliated company
应收附属公司帐款	account receivable from subsidiaries
应收帐款周转率	account receivable turnover
售货报告	account sales
已清偿帐户	account settled
细帐	account stated
转帐通知单	account transfer memo
帐	account
责任关系	accountability
责任	accountability
能够负责	accountability
有责性	accountability
有责任	accountable
会计主任	accountant general
法院会计官	accountant of court
会计特权	accountant privilege
会计师	accountant
财会人员	accountants
会计师查帐证书	accountant's certificate
会计师意见书	accountants' comments
会计师的留置权	accountant's lien
开证申请人	accountee
报帐单位	account-filing unit
会计	accounting 
会计法	accounting act
会计机构	accounting agency
查帐验证业务	accounting and auditing services
会计帐簿	accounting book
会计监督	accounting control
会计核算纪律	accounting disciplines
会计凭证	accounting document
会计师事务所	accounting firm
资产核算	accounting for assets
通货膨胀会计	accounting for inflation
无形资产核算	accounting for intangible assets
存货核算	accounting for inventories
投入资本核算	accounting for invested capital
投资基金核算	accounting for investment funds
借款和周转金核算	accounting for loans and working capital
对外长期投资核算	accounting for long-term investments
乡镇企业会计	accounting for township enterprises
会计事项	accounting items
会计立法	accounting legislation
财务会计管理	accounting management
会计规程	accounting manual
会计人员	accounting officer
权责发生制	accounting on the accrual basis
现收现付制	accounting on the cash basis
会计期间	accounting period
会计原则	accounting principle
会计法规	accounting regulation 
会计关系	accounting relation
会计报表	accounting statement
会计主体	accounting subject
中国古代会计制度	accounting system in ancient China
会计制度	accounting system
会计科目	accounting title
记账凭证	accounting vouchers
会计年度	accounting year
财务会计	accounting
开户单位	account-opening danwei
应付贸易帐款	accounts payable trade
参加承兑	accpet by intervention
委任	accredit
派遣	accredit
派驻机构	accredited agency
派遣的代表	accredited agent
公安派驻机构	accredited organ of public security
特派员办事处	accredited representative's office
派遣国	accrediting state
委任国	accrediting state
权责发生基础	accrual basis
应收应付制	accrual basis accounting
应计资产	accrued assets
累计资本	accrued capital
应付费用	accrued charge
应计未收手续费	accrued commission receivable
应摊未摊折旧	accrued depreciation
应付未付费用	accrued expense
应计未付费用	accrued expenses payable
应计收入	accrued income
应付未付证券息	accrued interest on bonds
应计利息	accrued interest
应付未付负债	accrued liabilities
应计负债	accrued liabilities
应付工资	accrued payrolls
累计租金总额	accrued rental
应计所得税款	accrued taxes on income
应计税款	accrued taxes
累积	accumulate 
蓄积中毒	accumulate poisoning
累积红利	accumulated dividend
累积收益税	accumulated earnings tax
累积损失	accumulated loss
累积利润	accumulated profits
累积所有权	accumulated proprietorship
累积盈余	accumulated surplus
累积应税收入	accumulated taxable income
积累基金	accumulation fund
公司资本公积金	accumulation fund of corporate capital
公积金	accumulation fund
累积信托	accumulation trust
累积收益	accumulations
累积判决	accumulative judgment
累积动产遗赠	accumulative legacy
累积负债	accumulative liabilities
累计判决	accumulative sentence
精确度	accuracy
检举证据	accusation evidence
控诉职能	accusation function
控诉会	accusation meeting
罪名	accusation
检控	accusation
控告起诉书	accusatory instrument
弹劾式诉讼程序	accusatory procedure
控告式诉讼程序	accusatory procedure
诬告	accuse falsely
控告	accuse sb. of
告	accuse
指控	accuse
控	accuse
告诉	accuse
控诉	accuse
仲裁被申请人	accused party in arbitration
被告	accused
被告人	accused
指控人	accuser
控诉人	accuser
控告人	accuser
检举人	accuser
有罪证据	accusing evidence
控告方	accusing party
小海损	accustomed average
达到	achieve
收到	achieve
成就需要	achievement need
绩	achievement
基础测绘成果	achievements in basic survey and drawing
研究开发成果	achievements in research and development
测绘成果	achievements in survey and drawing
成果	achievements
酸性腐蚀物品	acid corrosives
酸雨	acid rain
承认对方的债权	acknowledge a claim
承认欠债	acknowledge a debt
承认遗嘱	acknowledge a will
签认遣嘱	acknowledge a will
承认错误	acknowledge one's fault
当众认错	acknowledge one's mistakes in public
认领	acknowledge
默认	acquiesce in
默许	acquiesce in
可取得的领土	acquirable territory
取得	acquire
诈骗取得	acquired by fraud
艾滋病	acquired immune deficiency syndrome
获得性免疫缺陷综合症	acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
继有国籍	acquired nationality
获得国籍	acquired nationality
已得权利	acquired right
既得权利	acquired rights
占有取得	acquisition by occupancy
版权的获得	acquisition of copyright
因出生取得国籍	acquisition of nationality by birth
因血缘取得国籍	acquisition of nationality by descent
所有权的取得	acquisition of ownership
专利权的获得	acquisition of patent right
征集物资	acquisition of supplies 
取得领土	acquisition of territory
领土取得	acquisition of territory
购置价格	acquisition price
犯罪学习论	acquisition theory of crime
占有时效	acquisitive prescription
取得时效制度	acquisitive prescription system
取得时效	acquisitive prescription
宣告无罪	acquit 
宣告被告无罪	acquit the accused
判决无罪	acquit
开释	acquit
无罪释放	acquit
依法宣告无罪	acquittal by law
依事实的无罪释放	acquittal in fact
依事实宣告无罪	acquittal in fact
依法律的无罪释放	acquittal in law
免除债务的证书	acquittance
面积	acreage
全面降低关税	across-the-board tariff reduction
着手	act 
酌处	act according to one's judgment
不应得为	act against reason but not law
不轨行为	act against the law
代购	act as a purchasing agent
代理	act as agent
陪审	act as an assessor
调停	act as an intermediary
便宜裁量	act as one sees fit
承销	act as sale agent
便宜行事	act at one's discretion
酌情处理	act at one's discretion on a matter
基于推定被害人承诺的行为	act based on the presumption of the victim's consent
事务管理权行为	act for exercise of administrative power
侵权法	act for tort
照规章办事	act in accordance with the regulations
遵照	act in accordance with
串供	act in collusion to make each other's confessions tally
共同行动	act in concert
仿照办理	act in imitation of
直接意义上的作为	act in its direct sense
法律上的行为	act in law
忘却行为	act in limbo
死后行为	act in prospect of death
自卫行为	act in self-defense
违章行为	act in violation of regulations
违反行政管理秩序的行为	act in violation of the administrative order
独立自主	act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands
法律上有意义的行为	act meaningful in law
法律上无意义的行为	act meaningless in law
诱拐儿童行为	act of abducting a child
拐骗行为	act of abducting
煽动行为	act of abetting
接收行为	act of acceptance
接受行为	act of acceptance
收受贿赂行为	act of accepting bribes
参加承兑行为	act of accepting for honor
取得行为	act of acquiring
行政行为	act of administration
侵略行为	act of aggression
变造经营金融业务许可证行为	act of altering business license of financial operations
变造银行结算凭证行为	act of altering certificates of bank settlement
变造货币行为	act of altering currency
变造金融票证行为	act of altering financial instruments and cards
变造国家货币行为	act of altering national currency
修改行为	act of amending
任官行为	act of appointing civil officials
任用行为	act of appointing civil officials
摊派行为	act of apportioning
据为己有的行为	act of appropriating
武装掩护走私行为	act of armed covering of smuggling
武装力量行为	act of armed forces
索取贿赂行为	act of asking for bribes
转让行为	act of assignment
认证行为	act of authenticating
权力行为	act of authority
授权行为	act of authorizing
授权处罚的行为	act of authorizing the power to impose penalties
破产行为	act of bankruptcy
徇私枉法行为	act of bending the law to serve one's friends and relatives
布鲁塞尔会议议定书	Act of Brussls Conference
购买伪造货币的行为	act of buying counterfeit currencies
诱拐妇女行为	act of carrying off a woman by fraud
骗取信用证的行为	act of cheating others out of letter of credit
公开传播堕胎用具行为	act of circulating in public of abortive apparatus
民事诉讼行为	act of civil litigation
公款集体行贿行为	act of collective bribery by use of public funds
要约行为	act of communicating an offer
赔偿行为	act of compensating
隐匿邮件、电报行为	act of conceal postal materials
窝藏赃物行为	act of concealing booties
隐匿罪证行为	act of concealing criminal evidence
纵容行为	act of connivance
结果行为	act of consequence
领事行为	act of consuls
腐化行为	act of corruption
腐蚀行为	act of corruption
法院备忘录	act of court
法律允许的危险行为	act of danger allowed by law
委托处罚的行为	act of delegating other organs to impose penalties
划界行为	act of delimitation
谴责行为	act of denunciation
废约行为	act of denunciation
掠夺行为	act of depredation
破坏行为	act of destruction
妨害军务行为	act of disrupting of military duties
妨害社会管理秩序行为	act of disrupting of the order of social administration
妨害牧师举行宗教仪式行为	act of distupting ministers of religion
扰乱公共场所秩序行为	act of disturbing order at public places
妨害死者安息行为	act of disturbing the peace of the dead
扰乱交通秩序行为	act of disturbing traffic order
捐助行为	act of donating
出票行为	act of draft
运输毒品行为	act of drug trafficking
职务行为	act of duty
挪用行为	act of embezzling
侵吞行为	act of embezzling
贪污行为	act of embezzling
执收行为	act of enforcing the collection of a payment
间谍行为	act of espionage
私自挖掘古文化遗址、古墓葬行为	act of excavating ancient cultural sites and ancient tombs without permission
执行命令行为	act of executing order
权利义务行为	act of exercising rights and obligations
编造引进资金项目等虚假理由诈骗贷款行为	act of fabricating false grounds of introducing capital
虚假广告行为	act of false advertising
伪造银行结算凭证行为	act of falsifying bank clearance certificates
伪造公文、证件、印章行为	act of falsifying of official documents
强力行为	act of force
非本国行为	act of foreign states
种族灭绝行为	act of genocide
协助组织他人卖淫行为	act of giving assistance to organizing others for prostitution
不可抗力	Act of God
天灾	act of God
宽恕行为	act of grace
侵扰行为	act of harassing
自助行为	act of helping oneself
敌对行为	act of hostility
侮辱妇女行为	act of humiliating women
非医学需要的鉴定胎儿性别行为	act of identifying fetal sex for other than medical needs
妨害物价罪行为	act of impairing commodity prices
妨害救灾行为	act of impairing disaster relief
妨害饮用水行为	act of impairing drinking water
执罚行为	act of imposing fines
假名冒牌行为	act of imposture
引起公众厌恶的行为	act of inciting public abomination
自伤行为	act of inflicting injury to the self
无偿付能力行为	act of insolvency
不服从行为	act of insubordination
侮辱行为	act of insulting
意图行为	act of intention
故意销售假冒注册商标的商品的行为	act of intentionally selling commodities that use false registered trademarks
干涉行为	act of interference
恫吓行为	act of intimidation
侵犯商业秘密行为	act of invasion of business secrets
侦查行为	act of investigation
签发与其预留的签名式样或者印鉴不符的支票的行为	act of issuing checks in absence of conformity with the style of signature or stamp previously left
签发空头支票的行为	act of issuing dud checks
妨害商业秘密行为	act of jeopardizing business secrets
明知是伪造的货币而持有、使用、运输的行为	act of knowingly hold
明知是伪造、变造、作废的票据而使用的行为	act of knowingly using forged
法律行为	act of law
立法行为	act of legislating
宽大行为	act of leniency
生前行为	act of life time
限购排挤行为	act of limiting purchases to squeeze out others
委任行为	act of mandating
制造毒品行为	act of manufacturing narcotics
生产、销售伪劣医疗器械、医用卫生材料行为	act of manufacturing or selling fake and inferior medical equipment or sanitary materials for medicinal purposes
医疗行为	act of medical treatment
方法行为	act of method
军事法律行为	act of military law
虚报注册资本行为	act of misstating registered capital
抢劫公款行为	act of mulcting public money
抢夺行为	act of mulcting
中立化行为	act of neutralization
法定职务行为	act of official duty
人民代表法	act of people's representatives 
背信弃义行为	act of perfidy
实行行为	act of perpetrating
破坏司法行为	act of perverting the course of justice
海盗行为	act of piracy
变相吸收公众存款行为	act of pooling public deposits in disguised form
提示行为	act of presenting
推定行为	act of presumption
制作淫秽物品行为	act of producing obscene articles
买卖行为	act of purchase and sale
目的行为	act of purpose
批准行为	act of ratification
承认行为	act of recognition
拒绝协助执行的行为	act of refusal to aid enforcement
重装行为	act of reloading
排除违法性行为	act of removing irregularities
排除社会危害性行为	act of removing social endangerment
表意行为	act of representation
报复行为	act of reprisals
紧急避险	act of rescue
破坏生产设施行为	act of sabotaging productive facilities
防卫行为	act of self-defense
自损行为	act of self-destructing
出售伪造货币行为	act of selling of counterfeit currencies
移动国家边界的界线、界桩行为	act of shifting boundary lines or boundary markers on the national border
移动永久性测量标志行为	act of shifting permanent marks of measurement
隐匿证据行为	act of sinking evidence
走私行为	act of smuggling
统治权行为	act of sovereignty
主权行为	act of sovereignty
着手行为	act of starting to perpetrate a crime
窃取军事机密行为	act of stealing military secrets
窃取移动电话号码行为	act of stealing numbers of mobile phones
窃取国家机密行为	act of stealing state secrets
窃取行为	act of stealing
积载行为	act of stowing
自杀行为	act of suicide
使用虚假的产权证明作担保的诈骗贷款行为	act of swindling out of loans by using falsified certificate of property rights
使用虚假的证明文件的诈骗贷款行为	act of swindling out of loans by using falsified certifying documentation
使用虚假的经济合同的诈骗贷款行为	act of swindling out of loans by using falsified economic contracts
欺骗行为	act of swindling
冒用他人的汇票、本票、支票的行为	act of taking bills of exchange
冒用他人信用卡的行为	act of taking the credit card of another as one's own
恐怖行为	act of terror
恐怖主义行为	act of terrorism
盗窃行为	act of theft
搭售行为	act of tie-in sale
侵权行为	act of tort
违反海关监管规定的行为	act of transgressing customs control rules
叛逆行为	act of treachery
意思表示不真实的行为	act of untrue declaration of will
破坏文物行为	act of vandalism
侵犯他人人身健康的行为	act of violation against another person's health
侵犯他人人身安全的行为	act of violation against another person's safety
使用暴力行为	act of violence
暴行	act of violence
暴力行为	act of violence
战争行为	act of war
意志行为	act of will
票据行为	act on commercial instrument
从适龄行为	act one's age
悔改表现	act or other expressions of repentance
著作权法限制的行为	act restricted by copyright law
次于承认的行为	act short of recognition
次于战争的行为	act short of war
人身侮辱行为	act that subjects one's person to indignity
着手实行犯罪	act to execute a crime
基于被害人承诺的行为	act under consent of the victim
奉命	act under orders
被害人同意的行为	act under the consent of the victim
不要因行为	act without its material cause
作为	act
法案	act
律	act
行为	act
文件	act
相反行为	acte contrari
代理领馆馆长	acting head of consular post
行为者	acting party
确认之诉	actio confessoria 
混合诉讼	actio mixta 
个人合伙诉讼	actio pro socio
严法诉讼	actio stricti juris
法律诉讼	action at law
行动委员会	action committee
诉讼系属	action dependence
根据侵权行为的诉讼	action ex delicto
二审案件诉讼费用	action fee of second instance
行政赔偿诉讼	action for administrative compensation
变更之诉	action for alteration
船舶碰撞索赔诉讼	action for collision
申请赔偿的诉讼	action for compensation
法律关系确认之诉	action for confirming jural relations
航空事故索赔诉讼	action for damages caused by air accident
海损事故索赔诉讼	action for damages caused by maritime casualty
请求损害赔偿的诉讼	action for damages
损害赔偿诉讼	action for damages
将来给付之诉	action for future prestation
赔偿诉讼	action for indemnity
专利侵权诉讼	action for infringement of a patent
侵犯外观设计的诉讼	action for infringement of an industrial design
侵犯商标权的诉讼	action for infringement of trademark
继承诉讼	action for inheritance
种类物给付之诉	action for performance of res incertae
行为给付之诉	action for prestation by act
财产诉讼	action for property
追偿诉讼	action for recovery
登记诉讼	action for registration
追索海难救助费用诉讼	action for salvage
变更法律关系之诉	action for the alteration of legal relations
消灭法律关系之诉	action for the alteration of legal relations
侵害诉讼	action for trespass
水陆运输诉讼	action for water-land transportation
意外致死诉讼	action for wrongful death
合同诉讼	action founded in contract
本诉	action in chief 
对人诉讼	action in personam
对物诉讼	action in rem
对物之诉	action in rem
货物损坏诉讼	action in respect of damage to goods
实体意义上的诉	action in substance
诉	action litigation 
肯定确认之诉	action of affirmative confirmation
取消裁决之诉	action of appeal for annulment of administrative directives
取消处分之诉	action of appeal for annulment of disciplinary sanctions
上诉诉讼	action of appeal
证书诉讼	action of certificate
支票诉讼	action of checks
票据诉讼	action of commercial instrument
创设之诉	action of creation
请求返还扣留物的诉讼	action of detinue
选举诉讼	action of election
执行之诉	action of enforcement
一审案件	action of first instance
形成之诉	action of formation
连带式赔偿诉讼	action of joint and several compensation
实体变更之诉	action of material alteration
当事人诉讼	action of parties
给付之诉	action of performance
港口作业诉讼	action of port operation
特定物给付之诉	action of prestation of specific object
程序意义上的诉	action of procedure
机关诉讼	action of public authorities
不动产诉讼	action of real property
产权诉讼	action of real right
侵权诉讼	action of tort
毁损诉讼	action of wastes
权利变更之诉	action on change of right
仿冒商标的诉讼	action on fraudulent copying of trademark
程序变更之诉	action on procedural alteration
财产案件	action on properties
作用期	action period
行动计划	action plan
人类环境行动计划	action plan for the human environment
民众诉讼	action popular
物权诉讼	action real
作用	action
行动	action
可诉罪	actionable offense
可控告的补贴	actionable subsidy
诉讼价值	actionable value
可诉	actionable
誓金法律诉讼	actiones legis for deposits on oath
空军现役后备队	active air reserve
定息债券	active bond
钞票流通额	active circulation
故意隐瞒	active concealment
住所地的积极冲突	active conflict of place of domicile
积极犯罪构成	active constitution of a crime
现行反革命分子	active counterrevolutionary
现行犯罪	active crime
人犯	active criminal suspect
活动债务	active debts
服现役	active duty commission
积极义务	active duty
现役	active duty
主动引渡	active extradition
积极事实	active fact
主动性同性恋	active homosexuality
实际敌对行为	active hostilities
积极故意	active intent
劳动适龄人口	active labor force
积极法律关系	active legal relationship
积极国籍	active nationality
积极过失	active negligence
故意过失	active negligence
积极合伙人	active partner
任职合伙人	active partner
有效约束	active restraint
积极使节权	active right of legation
主动使节权	active right of legation
积极性国籍原则	active right of nationality
精神疾病发病期	active stage of psychosis
批准外国投资的积极标准	active standard to ratify foreign investment
故意侵害人	active tort-feasor
贸易顺差	active trade balance
不利的贸易影响	active trade effects
积极信托	active trust
积极的毁损	active waste
现行	active
积极	active
劳改积极分子委员会	activists committee of prisoners undergoing reform through labor
劳改积极分子	activists of prisoners undergoing reform through labor
社会公益活动	activities for public good
三八红旗手活动	activity of March 8 Red-Banner Pacesetter
行为人刑法	actor criminal law
演员	actor or actress
以原告就被告原则	actor sequitur forum rei
行为人	actor
不当得为	acts against reason but not law
诉讼行为	acts in action
诉讼上的行为	acts in litigation
代理行为	acts of agency
抢夺公文、证件、印章行为	acts of forcibly seizing official documents
共同海损行为	acts of general average
出售、购买伪造的货币行为	acts of selling and purchasing counterfeit currencies
法律文书指定的行为	acts stipulated in legal instruments
实际知悉	actual acknowledgment
实数	actual amount
实际承运人	actual carrier
实际成本	actual cost
实际损害	actual damage
实害犯	actual damage offense
实际损害赔偿	actual damages
真实资料	actual data
现物交货	actual delivery
实际支付	actual delivery
实际交货	actual delivery
实际拒付	actual dishonor
实效	actual effect
主权的实际行使	actual exercise of sovereignty
实际过失	actual fault
实际完成日期	actual finishing date
实际伤害	actual harm
实害故意	actual harmful intent
直接故意	actual intent
实际损失	actual loss
实际中立	actual neutrality
真正无面值的股票	actual no-par value stock
实际通知	actual notice
检察工作实绩	actual performance of prosecutorial work
实际履行	actual performance
贷款使用期	actual period of loan utilization
实际的数罪	actual plural offenses
实际数罪	actual plural offenses
实际卸货港	actual port of discharge
实际占有	actual possession
实际价格	actual price
实价	actual price
现住所	actual residence
实际主权	actual sovereignty
实际破损	actual spoilage
实际开始日期	actual starting date
平均皮重	actual tare
实际皮重	actual tare
实际全损	actual total loss
实际价值	actual value
真实被害人	actual victim
实际上	actually
精算专业人员	actuary
出于不可告人的目的	actuated by ulterior motives
自然灾害不是人的过错。	Actus dei nemini facit injuriam. The act of God is hurtful to no one.
犯罪行为	actus reus 
针灸证书	acupuncture certificate
急性中毒	acute poisoning
特设	ad hoc
特殊收养	ad hoc adoption
临时仲裁	ad hoc arbitration
临时仲裁组织	ad hoc arbitration organization
临时仲裁庭	ad hoc arbitration tribunal
临时仲裁裁决	ad hoc award
特设委员会	ad hoc committee
特种外交	ad hoc diplomacy
临时外交代表	ad hoc diplomatic representative
最高人民检察院特别检察庭	Ad Hoc Division of the Supreme People's Procuratorate
专案法官	ad hoc judge
特殊使命	ad hoc mission
临时代表团	ad hoc mission
特使	ad hoc mission
临时观察员	ad hoc observer
临时代表	ad hoc representative
专题调查	ad hoc survey
最高人民法院特别法庭	Ad Hoc Tribunal of the Supreme People's Court
特别	ad hoc
从价税	ad valorem duty
从值税	ad valorem duty
海运货物从价运费	ad valorem freight
从价进口税	ad valorem import duty
从价百分比原则	ad valorem percentage rule
从价财产税	ad valorem property tax
从价计征关税	ad valorem taxation of customs duties
从价	ad valorem
提前	ad. ahead of time
改编	adapt
改写	adapt
适应性	adaptability
刑罚适应能力	adaptability of punishment
监狱适应	adaptation to prison
改写作品	adaptation
改编作品	adapted works
改编者	adapter
亚行	ADB
追加当事人	add parties 
追加共同诉讼的当事人	add parties to a joint action 
追加	add to
数刑相加	add up several punishments
附加	add
补充	add
增加	add
额外	added
增编	addendum
附录	addendum 
补遗	addendum
麻醉品	addictive narcotic
当事人的追加	addition of parties
相加原则	addition principle
附加协定	additional agreement
增补申请	additional application
附款	additional article
附加裁决	additional award
增加的诉讼请求	additional claim
增加诉讼请求	additional claim
追订条款	additional clause
合同附加条款	additional clause to an agreement
追加条款	additional clause
附加专约	additional convention
超标准排污费	additional effluent fees
战争险额外费用保险	additional expense of war risk
补充休假	additional holiday
补加休假	additional holiday
额外收入	additional income
加息罚息	additional interests and penalty interests
追加投资	additional investment
增列项目	additional item
追加判决	additional judgment
地方附加税	additional local tax
溢缴资本	additional paid-in capital
增补专利	additional patent
追加付款	additional payment
附加提案	additional proposal
附加议定书	additional protocol
附加规定	additional provisions
补充说明	additional remarks
附加规则	additional rules
附则	additional rules
附加服务的条件	additional services FOB
增资	additional share
附加签字国	additional signatory
附加签字者	additional signatory
追加税	additional tax
附加税	additional tax
附加条约	additional treaty
附约	additional treaty
增减记帐法	addition-subtraction bookkeeping method
比例运价	add-on
租船代理佣金	address commission
送达地址	address for service
文件送达地址	address for service
质询	address inquiries to
商标注册人地址	address of a trademark registrant
地址	address
收件人	addressee 
受送达人	addressee
发信人	addresser
署名人	addresser
引用证言	adduce evidence 
举证	adduce evidence
充分理由	adequate cause
适当赔偿	adequate compensation
适当补偿	adequate compensation
充分补偿	adequate redemption
法律上适当的救济	adequate remedy at law
量刑适当	adequate sentencing
适当	adequate
赞成	adhere
参加	adhere
加附	adhesion
附意合同	adhesion contract
邻接性	adjacency
邻近性	adjacency
邻近空间	adjacent air space
邻空	adjacent air space
邻近地区	adjacent area
邻近区	adjacent area
邻接大陆架	adjacent continental shelf
邻近大陆架	adjacent continental shelf
邻近地	adjacent land
邻近内陆国	adjacent land-locked country
相邻关系	adjacent relation
邻海	adjacent sea
相邻国	adjacent state
海岸相临国家	adjacent states
邻近海底区	adjacent submarine area
邻近海底资源	adjacent submarine resources
邻接领土	adjacent territory
邻近水域	adjacent water
程序法	adjective law
邻接	adjoin
毗连	adjoin
邻接空间	adjoining air space
邻接地	adjoining land
邻接房屋所有人	adjoining owner
毗连地所有人	adjoining owner
邻接海域	adjoining sea
邻接国家	adjoining state
邻接区	adjoining zone
闭会	adjourn a meeting
休庭	adjourn the court 
休会	adjourn
暂停辩论	adjournment of debate
审判延期	adjournment of trial
无限期休会	adjournment sine die
无限期休庭	adjournment sine die
休庭后继续开庭的期间	adjournment term
法庭裁决	adjucation
判决	adjudge
客观归罪	adjudging only awarding to objective facts
依法裁决	adjudicate according to law
书面审理	adjudicate by record
经义折狱	adjudicate lawsuits in line with the spirit of "Spring and Autumn" and other Confucianist classics
判决人犯	adjudicate on the defendants and the implicated
春秋决狱	adjudicate suits in line with the spirit of "Spring and Autumn" and other Conficianist classics
审判	adjudicate
谳	adjudicate
审理	adjudicate
鞫定	adjudicate
裁判	adjudicate
断案	adjudicate
分配裁判	adjudicatio
外国法院裁判	adjudication by a foreign court
裁判条款	adjudication clause
宣判庭	adjudication division
破产审判	adjudication of bankruptcy
刑事私法处分	adjudication of civil action with criminal case
一审裁判	adjudication of first instance
刑罚裁量	adjudication of punishment
二审裁判	adjudication of second instance
青少年犯罪审判	adjudication of youth crime
审判机关	adjudication organ
审判监督	adjudication supervision
审判笔录	adjudication transcript
依状鞫狱	adjudication within the scope of the indictment
法庭的裁决	adjudication
断决	adjudication
断罪	adjudication
裁判部	adjudicative department
审判权	adjudicative power
审判工作	adjudicative work
评判员	adjudicator 
审判员	adjudicator
审判委员会	adjudicatory committee
裁决性事实	adjudicatory facts
审判力量	adjudicatory force
审判职能	adjudicatory function
判决权	adjudicatory power
审判规则	adjudicatory rule
审判学	adjudicatory science
再审程序	adjudicatory supervision procedure
附加帐户	adjunct account
动产附合	adjunction of movable estate
核算	adjust accounts
校正	adjust
调整	adjust
调节税	adjustable tax
理算	adjustment
公司调整债券	adjustment bond
理算费	adjustment costs
税务调整	adjustment for taxable income
理算书	adjustment letter
企业调整	adjustment of enterprises
理算共同海损	adjustment of general average
共同海损理算	adjustment of general average
损失理算	adjustment of loss
单独海损理算	adjustment of particular average
台湾产品调节税	adjustment tax on products from Taiwan
一般禁止型调整	adjustment with a general prohibitive style
副官	adjutant
补充证据	adminicular evidence
辅助证据	adminicular evidence
依法治国	administer a country according to law
依法行政	administer by law 
投放毒物	administer poison
代管	administer
掌握	administer
遗产管理诉讼	administration action
委托管理	administration by entrustment
后继遗产管理授权	administration de bonis non
工商局	administration for industry and commerce
工商行政管理局	administration for industry and commerce
中医管理	administration for practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine
人民代表大会制度下的依法行政	administration in line with the law under the system of the People's Congress
适航管理	administration of airworthiness 
音像制品行政管理	administration of audiovisual products
基层政权管理	administration of basic-level political power
民政行政管理	administration of civil affairs
交通行政管理	administration of communications
农作物种子生产经营管理	administration of crop seed production and management
教育行政	administration of education
消防管理	administration of fire prevention and control
卫生行政法	administration of health law
卫生行政	administration of health
港人治港	administration of Hong Kong by Hong Kong people
进出口商品检验行政管理	administration of import and export commodity inspection
遗产的保管	administration of inheritance
司法	administration of justice
司法裁判	administration of justice
印铸刻字业管理	administration of printing
狱政	administration of prison affairs
旅馆业治安管理	administration of public order at hotels
公安行政管理	administration of public security
治安行政	administration of public security
特种行业管理	administration of special types of trades
税收管理	administration of tax revenue
领土管理	administration of territory
普通高校招生行政管理	administration of the enrollment of colleges and universities
水路交通行政管理	administration of water traffic
期刊登记管理	administration on the registration of periodicals
地政	administration over utilization and requisition of land
行政自由裁量权	administration power to one's discretion
行政侵权	administration tort
行政管理	administration
事务管理	administration
行政	administration
应申请的行政行为	administrative act by application
采取行政措施的行政行为	administrative act by resorting to administrative measures
主动的行政行为	administrative act by the function
适航行政管理行为	administrative act concerning airworthiness 
邮政管理行政行为	administrative act for postal management
道路交通行政行为	administrative act in respect of road traffic
渔港水域交通安全管理行为	administrative act in respect of traffic safety in waters of fishing harbors
社会团体管理行政行为	administrative act in the management of mass organizations
制定法律文件的行政行为	administrative act of formulating statutory documents
行政法律行为	administrative act of law
海上交通行政管理行为	administrative act of maritime traffic
航通管理行政行为	administrative act of navigation control
海关行政行为	administrative act of the customs
水路交通管理行为	administrative act of water traffic
水利行政行为	administrative act on water conservancy
行政自由裁量行为	administrative act to one's discretion
涉外行政诉讼	administrative action concerning foreign interests
交通行政诉讼	administrative action for communications
金融管理行政诉讼	administrative action for financial control
进出口商品检验行政诉讼	administrative action for import and export commodity inspection
工商管理行政诉讼	administrative action for industry and commerce
价格管理行政诉讼	administrative action for price control
卫生行政诉讼	administrative action in respect of health
军内行政诉讼	administrative action in the army
食品卫生行政诉讼	administrative action of food hygiene
资源管理行政诉讼	administrative action of resource control
治安行政诉讼	administrative action of security
税务行政诉讼	administrative action of taxation
传染病处罚行政诉讼	administrative action on punishment concerning contagious diseases
城市规划管理行政诉讼	administrative action on urban planning management
行政活动	administrative action
行政诉讼	administrative action
行政行动	administrative action
行政行为法	administrative acts law
行政裁判	administrative adjudication
行政裁决	administrative adjudication
行政审判	administrative adjudication
行政咨询	administrative advice
行政事务	administrative affairs
技术转让管理机关	administrative agency for technological transfer
计算机软件登记管理机构	administrative agency in charge of registration of computer software
行政人员	administrative agent
行政协议	administrative agreement
行政协定	administrative agreement
使馆行政技术人员	administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission
行政上诉	administrative appeal
行政申诉	administrative appeal
平政院	administrative appellate court
行政鉴定	administrative appraisal
行政批准	administrative approval
行政仲裁	administrative arbitration
行政区域	administrative area
行政安排	administrative arrangement
行政拘留	administrative attachment
橡胶制品企业主管部门	administrative authorities for rubber products enterprises
企业所有者主管部门	administrative authorities of enterprise owners
行政主管	administrative authorities
劳动行政机关	administrative authority of labor
行政职权	administrative authority
行政授权	administrative authorization
行政自主	administrative autonomy
行政奖励	administrative award
行政奖惩	administrative award and punishment
行政委员会	administrative board
行政机关	administrative body
办事机构	administrative body
行政疆界	administrative boundary
行政预算	administrative budget
邮电管理局	administrative bureau of post and telecommunications
行政行为能力	administrative capacity for performance 
行政资格	administrative capacity
行政案件	administrative case
矿产资源行政案件	administrative case concerning mineral resources
审计行政案件	administrative case for audit
民政行政案件	administrative case for civil affairs
商检行政案件	administrative case for commodity inspection
文物行政案件	administrative case for cultural relics
物价行政案件	administrative case for prices
治安行政案件	administrative case for public security
劳动教养行政案件	administrative case for reeducation through labor
税务行政案件	administrative case for taxation
烟草专卖行政案件	administrative case for tobacco monopoly
城市建设行政案件	administrative case for urban construction
卫生行政案件	administrative case in respect of health
新闻出版行政案件	administrative case in respect to press and publication
交通运输行政案件	administrative case of communications and transportation
环境保护行政案件	administrative case of environmental protection
财政行政案件	administrative case of finance
第一审行政案件	administrative case of first instance
一审行政案件	administrative case of first instance
渔业行政案件	administrative case of fishery
林业行政案件	administrative case of forestry
土地行政案件	administrative case of land
专利行政案件	administrative case of patent
公安行政案件	administrative case of public security
二审行政案件	administrative case of second instance
计划生育行政案件	administrative case on family planning
草原行政案件	administrative case on grassland
技术监督行政案件	administrative case on technical supervision
人民法院不受理的行政案件	administrative case unaccepted by the people's court
行政证书	administrative certificate
行政证明	administrative certification
行政收费	administrative charge
行政费	administrative charge
行政性收费	administrative charges
行政通报	administrative circular
行政法典	administrative code
行政强制	administrative coercion
行政强制措施	administrative coercive measure
行政强制权	administrative coercive power
行政强制程序	administrative coercive procedure
行政专员	administrative commissioner
布政使司	administrative commissioner's office
特区管理委员会	administrative committee of a special economic zone
协调行政委员会	administrative committee of conciliation work
行政赔偿	administrative compensation
行政赔偿案件	administrative compensation case
行政赔偿法	administrative compensation law
行政权限	administrative competence
行政诉状	administrative complaint
行政起诉状	administrative complaint
行政调解	administrative conciliation
行政会议	administrative conference
行政确认	administrative confirmation
行政协商	administrative consultation
行政合同	administrative contract
行政契约	administrative contract
行政控制	administrative control
行政纠纷案	administrative controversy
理事会	administrative council
行政相对人	administrative counterpart
行政法庭	administrative court
行政法院	administrative court
行政刑法	administrative criminal law
行政单位	administrative danwei
行政决定	administrative decision
行政法令	administrative decree
畜牧行政管理部门	administrative department for animal husbandry
养殖业管理部门	administrative department for aquaculture
水产业行政管理部门	administrative department for aquatic products industry
音像制品行政管理部门	administrative department for audiovisual products
饮食服务业行政管理部门	administrative department for catering and service trade
煤矿行政管理部门	administrative department for coal mining
沿海工业管理部门	administrative department for coastal industries
著作权行政管理部门	administrative department for copyright
文物行政管理部门	administrative department for cultural relics
教育行政部门	administrative department for education
金融行政管理部门	administrative department for finance
渔业行政管理部门	administrative department for fisheries
渔政渔港监督管理机关	administrative department for fishery and fishing harbor superintendence
司法行政部门	administrative department for justice
中华人民共和国司法行政机关	administrative department for justice of the People's Republic of China
劳动行政部门	administrative department for labor
劳动管理部门	administrative department for labor
物资行政管理部门	administrative department for materials and equipment
专利管理机关	administrative department for patent
药品行政管理部门	administrative department for pharmaceuticals
医药行政管理部门	administrative department for pharmacy
宗教事务行政管理部门	administrative department for religious affairs
科学技术行政管理部门	administrative department for science and technology
技术监督行政管理机关	administrative department for technical supervision
食品工业行政管理部门	administrative department for the food industry
皮革工业行政管理部门	administrative department for the leather industry
石油工业行政管理部门	administrative department for the oil industry
烟草专卖行政管理部门	administrative department for tobacco monopoly
商标行政管理部门	administrative department for trademarks
行政主管部门	administrative department in charge 
会计主管部门	administrative department in charge of accounting
农业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of agriculture
畜牧行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of animal husbandry
牧业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of animal husbandry
审计行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of audit
民政主管部门	administrative department in charge of civil affairs
民用航空主管部门	administrative department in charge of civil aviation
商业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of commerce
商品检验行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of commodity inspection
交通行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of communications
建设行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of construction
文化行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of culture
教育行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of education
电力工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of electric power industry
能源主管部门	administrative department in charge of energy
企业主管部门	administrative department in charge of enterprises
环境保护行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of environmental protection
计划生育行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of family planning
食品卫生行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of food hygiene
外交行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of foreign affairs
对外经济贸易主管部门	administrative department in charge of foreign economic and trade
林业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of forestry
森林行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of forests
地质勘探行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of geological prospecting
卫生行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of health
进出口商品检验行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of import and export commodity inspection
合营企业主管部门	administrative department in charge of joint ventures
司法行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of justice
劳动行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of labor
土地行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of land
机械工业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of machine-building industry
矿产资源行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of mineral resources
专利行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of patent
人事行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of personnel matters
体育行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of physical culture and sports
计划行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of planning
邮电行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of post and telecommunications
邮政主管部门	administrative department in charge of postal service
价格管理行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of price control
铁道行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of railroads
铁路行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of railroads
原材料工业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of raw and semifinished materials industries
物业管理行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of realty management
监察行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of supervision
测绘行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of surveying and mapping
税务主管部门	administrative department in charge of taxation
电信主管部门	administrative department in charge of telecommunications
轻纺工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of textile and other light industries
汽车工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of the auto industry
化学工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of the chemical industry
煤炭工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of the coal industry
电子工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of the electronics industry
钢铁工业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of the iron and steel industry
轻工业主管部门	administrative department in charge of the light industry
制造业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of the manufacturing industry
冶金工业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of the metallurgical industry
医药生产经营行业主管部门	administrative department in charge of the production and operation of pharmaceuticals
公司登记主管部门	administrative department in charge of the registration of companies
造船工业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of the shipbuilding industry
运输业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of the transport service
旅游业行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of tourist industry
城市规划行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of urban planning
水利行政主管部门	administrative department in charge of water conservancy
主管部门	administrative department in charge
公安行政机关	administrative department of public security
被复议机关	administrative department under reconsideration
行政部门	administrative department
行政管理部门	administrative department
农、林、牧、副、渔行政主管部门	administrative departments in charge of agriculture
房屋拆迁行政主管部门	administrative departments in charge of dismantlement and removal of housing
档案行政管理部门	administrative departmet for archives
行政听审	administrative deposition
行政指示	administrative directive
行政纪律处分	administrative disciplinary measures
医疗责任事故行政处分	administrative disciplinary measures for medical malpractices caused by irresponsibility
行政裁量	administrative discretion
行政处理权	administrative disposing power
行政纠纷	administrative dispute
行政争议	administrative dispute
行政配置	administrative distribution
行政庭	administrative division
人民法院行政庭	administrative division of the people's court
行政诉讼审判庭	administrative division
行政区划	administrative divisions
行政审判庭	administrative divisions
行政公文	administrative document
行政文书	administrative document
行政职责	administrative duties
行政经济法	administrative economic law
行政雇员	administrative employee
行政强制执行	administrative enforcement
行政强制执行行为	administrative enforcement act
行政执法	administrative enforcement of law
行政单方接触	administrative ex parte contact
行政审查	administrative examination
办公费	administrative expenses
行政事实	administrative fact
行政案卷	administrative file
行政罚款	administrative fine
行政手续	administrative formalities
行政职能	administrative function
行政指导	administrative guidance
行政处理	administrative handling
行政免除	administrative immunity
行政执行	administrative implementation
行政执行法	administrative implementations law
行政情报	administrative information
行政信息	administrative information
行政调查委员会	administrative inquiries committee
行政检查	administrative inspection
行政机构	administrative institution
行政指令	administrative instruction
行政文件	administrative instrument
行政完整	administrative integrity
行政干涉	administrative interference
申明	administrative interpretation by central authorities
行政干预	administrative intervention
行政调查	administrative investigation
行政法官	administrative judge
评事	administrative judge
行政判决	administrative judgment
行政司法	administrative judicature
行政法律关系	administrative jural relation
审计行政法律关系	administrative jural relations of audit
民政行政法律关系	administrative jural relations of civil affairs
金融行政法律关系	administrative jural relations of finance
行政管豁	administrative jurisdiction
行政法学体系	administrative jurisprudence system
行政法学	administrative jurisprudence
行政法	administrative law
工商行政法	administrative law for industry and commerce
平时行政法	administrative law in peacetime
审计行政法	administrative law of audit
民政行政法	administrative law of civil affairs
交通行政法	administrative law of communications
文教行政法	administrative law of culture and education
文化行政法	administrative law of culture
经济行政法	administrative law of economy
教育行政法	administrative law of education
财政行政法	administrative law of finance
金融行政法	administrative law of finance
外交行政法	administrative law of foreign affairs
外事行政法	administrative law of foreign affairs
司法行政法	administrative law of justice
劳动行政法	administrative law of labor
土地行政法	administrative law of land
矿产资源行政法	administrative law of mineral resources
专利行政法	administrative law of patent
体育行政法	administrative law of physical culture and sports
物价行政法	administrative law of prices
公安行政法	administrative law of public security
资源行政法	administrative law of resources
科技行政法	administrative law of science and technology
自治行政法	administrative law of self-government
监察行政法	administrative law of supervision
税务行政法	administrative law of tax
海关行政法	administrative law of the customs
城建行政法	administrative law of urban construction
水利行政法	administrative law of water conservancy
军事行政管理法	administrative law on military control
行政法制度	administrative law system
行政法体系	administrative law system
行政法律	administrative law
行政法制建设	administrative legal construction
行政法律规范	administrative legal norm
环境行政法律规范	administrative legal norm of environment
监察行政法律关系	administrative legal relations of supervision
交通行政法律关系	administrative legal relationship of communications
外交行政法律关系	administrative legal relationship of foreign affairs
司法行政法律关系	administrative legal relationship of justice
体育行政法律关系	administrative legal relationship of physical culture and sports
行政法制监督	administrative legal supervision
行政诉讼中的行政法制监督	administrative legal supervision in administrative proceedings
行政法制	administrative legality
行政立法	administrative legislation
行政立法权	administrative legislation power
行政立法体制	administrative legislation system
行政立法行为	administrative legislative act
行政立法程序	administrative legislative procedure
行政许可	administrative license
行政许可行为	administrative licensing act
行政许可程序	administrative licensing procedure
行政界线	administrative line
行政诉愿	administrative litigation
行政诉讼制度	administrative litigation system
行政违法行为	administrative malfeasance
技术监督行政管理	administrative management over technical supervision
行政方法	administrative means
行政手段	administrative means
行政管理手段	administrative means
依申请的行政措施	administrative measure taken upon application only
行政措施	administrative measures
企业职工行政处分	administrative measures for enterprise staff and workers
布政使	administrative minister in ancient China in charge of civil affairs
行政规范	administrative norm
行政告知	administrative notice
行政通知	administrative notice
行政犯	administrative offense 
行署	administrative office
工商行政管理所	administrative office for industry and commerce
盐业主管机构	administrative office in charge of salt industry
工商所	administrative office of industry and commerce
行政官员	administrative officer
高级管理人员	administrative officer
地方管理机构	administrative offices in the localities
行政不作为	administrative omission
行政管理秩序	administrative order
行政序列	administrative order
行政命令	administrative order
商检行政机关	administrative organ for commodity inspection
著作权行政管理机关	administrative organ for copyright
文化行政管理机关	administrative organ for culture
经济合同管理机关	administrative organ for economic contracts
教育行政管理机关	administrative organ for education
渔业管理机构	administrative organ for fisheries
工商行政机关	administrative organ for industry and commerce
劳动改造工作管理机关	administrative organ for labor reform work
行政执法机关	administrative organ for law enforcement
物价管理机关	administrative organ for prices
企业名称登记主管机关	administrative organ for registration of enterprise names
税收征收管理机关	administrative organ for tax revenue collection
城建行政管理机关	administrative organ for urban construction
水路交通行政管理机关	administrative organ for water traffic
建设监理主管机关	administrative organ in charge of construction control
环境保护行政机关	administrative organ of environmental protection
外交行政机关	administrative organ of foreign affairs
卫生行政机关	administrative organ of health
司法行政机关	administrative organ of justice
体育行政管理机关	administrative organ of physical culture and sports
复议机关	administrative organ of reconsideration
科技行政管理机关	administrative organ of science and technology
首长制行政机关	administrative organ of the single-head system
行政组织法	administrative organic law
行政组织	administrative organization
版权管理机关	administrative organization of copyright
税务管理行政处罚	administrative penalties imposed by tax authorities
森林管理行政处罚	administrative penalties in forestry
土地管理行政处罚	administrative penalties in respect of land management
投机倒把行政处罚	administrative penalties in respect of speculation and profiteering
行政处罚法	administrative penalties law
财政行政处罚	administrative penalties of finance
限制人身自由权的行政处罚	administrative penalties which restrict the right to freedom of the person
卫生行政处罚	administrative penalty in respect of health
道路交通管理行政处罚	administrative penalty in respect of road traffic control
价格管理行政处罚	administrative penalty on price control
限制行为权的行政处罚	administrative penalty which restricts the right to disposing capacity
行政处罚	administrative penalty
行政请愿	administrative petition
治安管理行政申诉	administrative petition of public security management
行政答辩状	administrative pleadings
施政方针	administrative policy
行政职务	administrative post
教育行政权	administrative power of education
海关管理权	administrative power of the customs
行政权力	administrative power
行政特权	administrative prerogative
行政诉讼法学	administrative procedural jurisprudence
行政程序	administrative procedure
行政争讼	administrative procedure
行政程序法	administrative procedure law
行政争讼法	administrative procedure law
行政诉讼法	administrative procedure law
行政程序立法	administrative procedure legislation
施政纲领	administrative program
行政规定	administrative provisions
影响声誉的行政处罚	administrative punishment against reputation
食品卫生行政处罚	administrative punishment concerning food hygiene
交通管理行政处罚	administrative punishment concerning traffic control
逃汇行政处罚	administrative punishment for evasion of foreign exchange
入出境管理行政处罚	administrative punishment for violations against control of entering and leaving China
出入境管理行政处罚	administrative punishment in entry and exit control
草原管理行政处罚	administrative punishment in grassland supervision
传染病管理行政处罚	administrative punishment in management of contagious diseases
套汇行政处罚	administrative punishment in respect of arbitrage
外汇管理行政处罚	administrative punishment in respect of exchange control
金银管理处罚	administrative punishment in respect of gold and silver control
渔业管理行政处罚	administrative punishment in respect to supervision of fishery
水资源管理行政处罚	administrative punishment in supervision of water resources
金融管理行政处罚	administrative punishment of financial control
工商行政管理处罚	administrative punishment of industry and commerce
科以义务的行政处罚	administrative punishment of inflicting obligations
内河交通管理行政处罚	administrative punishment of traffic control of inland rivers
海上交通安全行政处罚	administrative punishment on maritime traffic safety
交通管理行政复议	administrative reconsideration concerning traffic control
工商管理行政复议	administrative reconsideration for industry and commerce
卫生行政复议	administrative reconsideration in respect of health
金融管理行政复议	administrative reconsideration of financial control
海关行政复议	administrative reconsideration of the customs
价格管理行政复议	administrative reconsideration on price control
税务行政复议	administrative reconsideration on taxation
城市规划管理行政复议	administrative reconsideration on urban planning management
行政复查	administrative reconsideration
行政补偿	administrative recuperation
行政区	administrative region
中华人民共和国行政区划	administrative regional division of the People's Republic of China
行政登记	administrative registration
委托制定、发布的行政法规	administrative regulation formulated and promulgated upon delegation
委托发布的行政法规	administrative regulation promulgated upon delegation
行政法规	administrative regulation
格	administrative regulations
行政管理法规	administrative regulations
依职权制定、发布的行政法规	administrative regulations made and promulgated according to functions and faculties
矿产资源行政法规	administrative regulations of mineral resources
行政关系	administrative relation
行政救济	administrative remedy
行政批复	administrative reply
行政请示	administrative request for instruction
行政征调	administrative requisition
行政决议	administrative resolution
行政责任	administrative responsibility
行政责任制	administrative responsibility system
传染病管理行政复议	administrative review in management of contagious diseases
财政行政复议	administrative review of finance
资源管理行政复议	administrative review of resource-control controversies
行政规章	administrative rules
留司格	administrative rules on office affairs inside a feudal board in the Tang Dynasty
行政裁定	administrative ruling
行政裁定书	administrative ruling in writing
治安外罚行政裁决	administrative ruling on punishment in respect of public security
行政制裁	administrative sanction
海关行政处罚	administrative sanction of the customs
行政处分	administrative sanction
行政自治	administrative self-government
行政解决	administrative settlement
行政管理人员	administrative staff
行政统计	administrative statistics
行政监督	administrative supervision
行政监察	administrative supervision
基本建设资金管理制度	administrative system of capital construction fund
财政管理机构	administrative system of finance
技术合同管理制度	administrative system of technology contracts
行政制度	administrative system
行政时限	administrative time limit
行政条约	administrative treaty
行政裁判所	administrative tribunal
行政诉讼法庭	administrative tribunal
行政组合	administrative union
行政村	administrative village
行政越权	administrative vultra vires
税收征收管理工作	administrative work of tax revenue collection
指定遗产管理人	administrator ad litem
附有遗嘱的遗产管理人	administrator cum testamento annexo 
尚未管理财产的遗产管理人	administrator de bonis non 
法定监管人	administrator in law
失踪人的财产代管人	administrator of a missing person's property
临时遗产管理人	administrator pendente lite
法院指派的遣嘱执行人	administrator
代管人	administrator
财产管理人	administrator
财产代管人	administrator
遗产管理人	administrator
行政长官	administrator
舰队司令	admiral
上将	admiral 
海军元帅	admiral of the Fleet
海军上将	admiral
将军	admiral
海事诉讼	admiralty action
海事法庭	admiralty court
海事法院	admiralty court
海事法	admiralty law
海事诉讼制度	admiralty proceedings system
可采性	admissibility
证据法上的可采性	admissibility
可接受作为证据	admissibility in evidence
口供的可采性	admissibility of an oral confession
证据的可采性	admissibility of evidence
可接受的证据	admissible evidence
可以受理的抗辩	admissible plea
入会费	admission fee
入社费	admission fee
票价	admission fee
外国人入境许可	admission of alien
外国人的入境许可	admission of aliens
技术入股	admission of technology
诉讼外承认	admission outside proceedings
通行税	admission tax
临时许可进口	admission temporaire
临时过境证	admission temporaire carnet
临时进口证	admission temporaire carnet
入会	admission
被告口供	admissions
被告人口供	admissions
招考	admit by examination
承认有罪	admit one's crime
请罪	admit one's error and ask for punishment
伏辩	admit one's guilt or plead being wronged
服辩	admit one's guilt or plead being wronged
认罪	admit one's guilt
伏罪	admit one's guilt
服罪	admit one's guilt
领罪	admit one's guilt
承认事实	admit the fact
供认	admit
接纳	admit
予以训诫	admonish sb.
告诫	admonish
训诫	admonish
儆戒效应	admonishing effect
青春期危机	adolescent crisis
青年犯	adolescent offender
领养	adopt
收养	adopt 
通过法律	adopt a law
立嗣	adopt a relative's son as the heir for succession of family line in feudal and old China
收养成年子女	adopt adult children
通过法案	adopt an act
领养子女	adopt children 
承继	adopt one's brother's son 
采取	adopt
通过	adopt
义女	adopted daughter
义子	adopted son
被收养人	adoptee
收养协议	adoption agreement
亲属间的收养	adoption among relatives
鼓掌通过	adoption by acclamation
默认通过	adoption by acquiescence
近亲收养	adoption by close relative
涉外收养	adoption concerning foreigners
收养法	adoption law
核定预算	adoption of the budget
约文议定	adoption of treaty text
收养理论	adoption theory
收养行为	adoptive act
养父母	adoptive father or mother
养父	adoptive father
义父	adoptive father
收养之家	adoptive home
义母	adoptive mother
养母	adoptive mother
收养人	adoptive parent
收养关系	adoptive relation
成人	adult
成年人	adult
搀假货	adulterant
搀假	adulterate
掺假	adulterate
搀假产品	adulterated product
劣质商品	adulteration
冒牌货	adulteration
劣等货物	adulteration
奸夫	adulterer
和奸	adultery
通奸罪	adultery
结婚成年制	adulthood of marriage

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  • Parrot / University of Colorado at BoulderSturm College of Law at the University of DenverBut neither of these are good law soclhos. Why? Because neither are considered a T14 law school (i.e. Top 14 law: Harvard, Yale, Stanford ). My advice, if you are considering attending any law school other than a T14, please reconsider. With the legal market being so terrible these days, its Yale or Fail. Dont waste your money.

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