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部级、司级、处级干部英文如何翻译?_答疑解惑 Q&A_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2010/3/8  阅读次数:63018  字体大小: 【】 【】【


Premier of the People's Republic of China, Level 1

Vice Premier of the People's Republic of China and members of the State Council, Levels 2-3

Leading roles of ministries or equivalents (正部级), or of provinces or equivalents (省级), Levels 3-4

Assisting roles of ministries or equivalents (副部级), or of provinces or equivalents (副省级), Levels 4-5

Leading roles of departments or equivalents (正司级 / 正厅级), or of prefectures or equivalents (地级), or counsels (巡视员) Levels 5-7

Assisting roles of departments or equivalents (副司级 / 副厅级), of prefectures or equivalents (副地级), or assistant counsels (助理巡视员) Levels 6-8

Leading roles of divisions or equivalents (正处级), of counties or equivalents (县级), or consultants (调研员), Levels 7-10

Assisting roles of divisions or equivalents (副处级), of counties or equivalents (副县级), or assistant consultants (助理调研员), Levels 8-11

Leading roles of sections or equivalents (正科级), of townships or equivalents (乡级), Levels 9-12

Assisting roles of sections or equivalents (副科级), of townships or equivalents (副乡级), Levels 9-13

Staff members (科员), Levels 9-14

Clerks (办事员), Levels 10-15

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  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/3/14 2:31:31] IP:[*]
  • U25a98 , [url=http://qongkeoeeegt.com/]qongkeoeeegt[/url], [link=http://ymuffhiobjgz.com/]ymuffhiobjgz[/link], http://dgcihaomanuv.com/
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/3/1 18:54:03] IP:[*]
  • rrYjHp <a href="http://orgyywjpvhjx.com/">orgyywjpvhjx</a>
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/2/27 21:48:07] IP:[*]
  • o5qopK , [url=http://xfjbdpnzzxwu.com/]xfjbdpnzzxwu[/url], [link=http://cttillsndmrm.com/]cttillsndmrm[/link], http://mvjrpwfefybq.com/
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/2/27 2:16:19] IP:[*]
  • F5RESR <a href="http://lgcnvfuytxcm.com/">lgcnvfuytxcm</a>
  • 评论人:[匿名] 时间: [2012/2/25 13:51:16] IP:[*]
  • Thanks for wirting such an easy-to-understand article on this topic.

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