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美国公证词认证书怎么翻译?_答疑解惑 Q&A_西安翻译公司-西安天风翻译咨询有限公司-专业法律翻译公司-权威英语翻译公司
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发布时间:2017/5/24  阅读次数:11933  字体大小: 【】 【】【



美国的公证文件属于法律文书翻译,里面有不少用词及期用法比较难以理解,例如 to  administer oaths、and that full faith and credit may and ought to be given to said Clerk’s official acts等等。下面我们就引述美国纽约州的公证书做为翻译示例,供大家参考下:


United States of America

State of New York

Department of State






It is hereby certified, that XXX was Clerk of the County of New York in the State of New York, and Clerk of the Supreme Court therein, being a Court of Record, on the day of the date of the annexed certificate, and duly authorized to grant same; that the seal affixed to said certificate is the seal of said County and Court; that the attestation thereof of said Clerk is in due form and executed by the proper officer; and that full faith and credit may and ought to be given to said Clerk’s official acts.



In Testimony Whereof, the Department of the State seal is hereunto affixed.



Witness my hand at the city of New York

this 8th day of August Two Thousand and Eight




Sandra J. Tallman

Special Deputy Secretary of State

Sandra J. Tallman




Whose name is subscribed to the deposition certificate of acknowledgment or proof of the annexed instrument was, at the time of taking same, a Notary Public in the State of New York; duly commissioned, sworn and qualified to act as such throughout the State of New York; that pursuant to a law, commission, or a certificate of his/her appointment and qualifications, and his /her signature have been filed in my office. As such Notary Public he/she was authorized by the laws of New York to administer oaths and affirmations, receive and certify the acknowledge or proof of deeds, mortgages, powers of attorney and other written instruments for land, tenements and hereditaments to be read in evidence or recorded in this state, to protest notes and to take and certify affidavits and depositions; and that I am well acquainted with the handwriting of such Notary Public, or have compared the signature on the annexed instrument with his signature deposited in my office, and believe that the signature is genuine in witness whereof; I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal to this ***

签署人/证明人XXXXX,在签署证明之时为纽约州宣誓并得到授权的公证人;根据法律,该公证人委任及资历证书已在本处存档;该公证人有权根据法律授权公证在本州登 记的土地、房屋及可继承财产的契据、抵押、授权书以及其他书面文件,其所做出的公证应得到充分认可;本人非常熟悉该公证人的笔迹,并已对比了此附件上的签名与本处档案中的签名,证明该文件上的签名真实有效;本人于XXXX 予以盖章证明。

上一篇:外国人如何申请中国驾照? 下一篇:没有了!
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